2024 女士高尔夫手套
2024 女士高尔夫手套
我们的 AAA 级 Cabretta 皮革高尔夫手套 - 舒适性和耐用性的缩影。这些印花手套有多种女式印花可供选择,弹性面料具有灵活性,即使您的尺码不可用,也能紧密贴合。这些手套非常适合那些患有指关节关节炎、佩戴笨重戒指或管理较长指甲的人,这些手套专为像手套一样贴合而设计! (没有双关语的意思!)
告别湿手套带来的不适 - 即使在淋雨后,这些手套也会变软,确保不再有松脆的质地。
我们的手套有 XS 至 L 尺寸可供选择,适合左手和右手。请记住,对于右手玩家,请选择左手手套,反之亦然。我们的手套尺码符合 FJ 标准,为您提供方便。
获取卷尺: 使用柔性卷尺或一根绳子。
环绕最宽部分: 测量手部最宽部分(不包括拇指)。
紧贴但不紧: 确保胶带紧贴您的手,但不要太紧。
进行测量: 记下以英寸为单位的测量值。
查阅尺码表: 将您的测量值与手套制造商的尺码表进行比较,找到您的手套尺码(S、M、L、XL、XXL)。

Bought this for my wife from Paragon Pro Shop, she loves it! Great fit and quality!
Bought two new pairs of golf gloves online - my first pair from Kandy Golf was purchased at our course, but they are no longer carrying them.
The owner's reached out after I placed my online order as one of the colours was out of stock. They included a ball marker with my order for the inconvenience.
These gloves fit and wear better that any other gloves I have tried and I don't have issues with the seams causing blisters like other gloves.
Will definitely purchase again!
Not only do Kandy gloves fit perfectly but they are all so pretty!!
These are the nicest fitting gloves I have worn in a very long time. And the leather is so nice and soft and doesn’t seem to harden with wear. You won’t regret them!! And they come in assorted patterns. It’s a win win!
I have very tiny hands and find it very hard to find gloves that fit properly. These gloves are so comfortable and they "fit like a glove". Don't know if I could go back to any others after this. AND WASHABLE, what a bonus.